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24-Hour Emergency Glass & Halloween Mischief

24 Hour Emergency Glass and Halloween Mischief


Along with candy and pumpkins, 24-hour emergency glass services might end up part of your Halloween this year.

Both residential and commercial glass can be targets, purposefully or not, for Halloween mischief. The spookiest night of the year often comes with an increase in petty crimes like vandalism. It’s easy for a prank to go from toilet-papering a lawn to a rock tossed through a window (especially if alcohol is mixed into the mayhem).

Keep your home or business safeguarded by keeping a trusted, 24-hour emergency glass services number at the ready.

According to professor James Alan Fox at Northeastern University, violent crime rates spike in the Boston area on three days each year: Halloween, New Year’s Day and Independence Day. The crime rate on Halloween is “about 50 percent higher than any other day of the year,” he says.

Orlando police, like many other precincts, say that more crimes are committed on Halloween by people wearing masks, which is why laws in some cities prohibit people from wearing masks in some businesses.

24-Hour Emergency Glass Saves the Haunting Season

Georgetown (Washington, D.C.), has a higher number of burglaries on Halloween compared to other days of the year. However, theft is by far the more common crime on this spooky night, with robberies also spiking, but coming in far behind nonviolent burglaries and thefts.

Thefts and burglaries of homes are almost four times more common than automobile-related thefts on Halloween, and windows can provide quick access to grabbing more goodies than what homeowners are giving away in plastic pumpkins.

Most burglars are opportunists and will look for items they can quickly grab, rather than breaking and entering. However, breaking glass to gain entry is reasonably easy for the aggressive thief.

Putting bars on your windows can greatly help thwart burglaries, but remember this catch: They can be tough to open and close in case of emergencies, like fires. Practicing good safety habits, like planting thorny bushes below windows and keeping your property well-lit, is a better approach.

Timing Is Everything

If you plan to be out of town on Halloween, ask neighbors to keep an eye on your property. Bright lighting is one of the best deterrents for criminals, but it also tells trick-or-treaters you’re home and you’ve got candy for them.

Make sure doors and windows are locked, post warnings about security systems and dogs (even if you don’t have them), and make your home look occupied when you’re not there by leaving televisions and radios on, or keeping these devices on timers.

Research 24-hour emergency glass repair shops before you have an urgent situation on your hands, and save their number in your phone. If you’re out of town this Halloween, give your contact information to a trusted neighbor.

For all your 24-hour emergency glass repair needs, on Halloween or any other day, call Murray Glass.

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