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Choosing Your Glass and Mirror Shop

Choosing Your Glass and Mirror Shop | Murray Glass

Your go-to glass and mirror shop is one of the most important B2B partnerships you can forge.

Many businesses of all sizes feature glass and mirrors throughout their brick-and mortar-establishments. It might be oversized panes in your building, customized glass or mirrored display shelves, a stunning reception desk, or even on-site showers, depending on your industry.

When you purchased and installed these glass and mirror pieces, you probably didn’t think you’d need emergency glass services or replacements anytime soon — if ever! Unfortunately, sometimes trouble pops up.

Researching and choosing a glass and mirror repair shop before trouble strikes is key. It’s like preventive care. This is especially important if your business relies on glass or mirrors for safety (such as glass exterior walls). Here are a few qualities you should look for in a repair shop, and how to tell you’ve found a great one:

1. 24-hour Emergency Services

Glass and mirrors can be broken at any time of day or night, particularly if vandals, thieves, or natural disasters strike. You want to make sure your business is safeguarded. A glass and mirror repair shop that keeps banker’s hours isn’t going to help you. Find a reputable shop, save the emergency number in your phone, and hope you never have to use it.

2. Specialists in Your Types of Glass/Mirror

Take photos of the various glass and mirror features in your business. Not all repair shops will be able to fix unique items. When comparison shopping, ask about every feature you have so that you’re not scrambling to find help with a shower door because you assumed the mirror shop would take care of you.

3. Nearby Location

You want your on-site repair expert to get there as quickly as possible, and you don’t want to pay an expensive travel fee. Nearby locations are ideal, so always start by looking at the closest shops. Just a few miles can make a big difference in price and convenience.

4. Reasonable Prices

This one should be obvious, but don’t assume that all prices will be similar. Many factors dictate prices, and some shops really do pull a number out of a hat. You want to blend skill with a competitive price. The highest price isn’t necessarily from the most skilled repair shop, so check reviews, testimonials and the Better Business Bureau as well as bid prices.

5. Friendly Customer Service

It’s pretty awkward calling the emergency number at 3 a.m. if you’re already intimidated by a surly business owner. When you call around to check prices and other details, trust your gut when it comes to authenticity and friendliness. You’re going to want someone who’s empathetic and kind but still professional, should disaster strike.

You may need glass and mirror repair services at the most inopportune times, so be prepared. Start by calling Murray Glass, your local glass and mirror shop that works with all types of materials and features.

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