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How To Clean and Prevent Rust on Your Shower Door

Uploaded ToHow To Clean and Prevent Rust on Your Shower Door
A shower door, typically made of glass and metal, is very durable, but is prone to environmental stress. Because your shower door is regularly exposed to extreme temperature changes and moisture, it is very vulnerable to rust and other distress.

Take a few precautions to keep your shower door in tip top shape, or if rust has already struck, learn how to get rid of it and keep it away for good. With a little extra effort, you can keep your shower door looking like new.

Cleaning Hacks

There are a few tricks to try if your shower door has been infested with rust. Rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are both strong cleaning agents—use a rag, wet with either of these agents to rub away rust. If that doesn’t do the trick, try making a paste with baking soda and water.

Cover the rusted spots and let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse and scrub. Another natural cleaning agent that may do that trick: lemon juice and salt. Spray the rusted area with lemon juice and then sprinkle with salt. Let sit for 5 minutes and then scrub!


Once you’ve rid your shower door of all rust, prevent it from returning. Care for your shower door by using a rust sealant. Wiping down your shower door after every use will also help to prevent water from building up which will inevitably lead to rust. Good ventilation in your bathroom can also help to prevent rust and other stains.


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