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Protect Shower Doors When You Have a Full House

Protect Shower Doors When You Have A Full House

Check to be sure your shower doors are in good shape if you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year.

When you have company, sometimes you feel like your shower door should be a revolving door! House guests might be rougher on shower doors and windows than you are, so if your glass has been in need of repairs but you’ve been putting that task off, now is the time to get it done.

Having a full house is a great reason to make sure all your glass doors and windows are in good shape.

Check all shower doors for nicks or cracks, and ensure they open and close smoothly. Now is also a good time to look for hard-water deposits and mold too. Hard water isn’t dangerous, but it isn’t attractive, and mold can be a big health hazard.

Your windows also might benefit from an added layer of stick-on insulation that doubles as a strengthener.

Shower Door Safety

Sliding shower doors usually suffer a little more abuse than swinging doors. Slamming them closed (as some children and teens might do) can cause doors to break, especially older ones. Newer sliding and swinging shower doors have soft-close features like kitchen cabinets do, but you can equip older models with a shower door bumper.

Some frameless shower swinging doors can slam shut, but this is often an installation issue. Have a shower glass professional check to see if your frameless shower doors are “out of plumb.” If they are, it’s a fast and easy fix with a readjustment or new hinges. Swing doors should never slam, but they can work their way out of alignment over time.

Modern shower glass is made with tempered safety glass, so if it shatters (which is rare), the resulting gummy glass pieces mean easier cleanup and a minimal risk of injury.

However, vintage and classic homes might not have tempered glass. If you live in one of these, consider putting a shower door or window upgrade on your wish list for Santa this year.

Windows to a Winter Wonderland

Your shower doors will get more use when your house is spilling over with guests, but don’t overlook your windows. They’re are the No. 1 cause of heat loss during winter, and the second-most popular entry point for burglars, so make certain you maintain them properly. Check to make sure all window locks work smoothly, and keep hedges trimmed and neat around all exterior openings, including doors and windows.

If a glass emergency does pop up this holiday season, don’t worry. Any reputable glass company offers 24-hour emergency services, including holidays, to keep you and your loved ones safe and comfortable. Save the number for Murray Glass just in case of emergency, and enjoy added peace of mind knowing your shower doors and windows will be in good hands.

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