I Need a Glass Replacement: What Do I Do?
An unexpected storm or a rogue baseball can shatter your window without warning, but fortunately, glass replacement is easier than you think. Windows are a crucial part of your home. They allow light to enter, keep out unwanted elements, and save on energy consumption. When your glass needs replacing, you should address the problem sooner […]
Glass Repair vs. Glass Replacement: What You Need To Know
Glass repair vs. glass replacement can be a tough choice if you’re unfamiliar with glass. Repairs might feel like the more affordable route, but a total replacement seems faster and more efficient.
Glass & Mirror Replacement: Is It Worth It?
Choosing whether to replace or repair glass or mirrors can be difficult. What’s more financially sound, and is there sentimental value attached? It’s even more challenging when you’re considering antiques. Maybe a beloved heirloom French door now has a cracked pane, or perhaps you’re considering buying an antique with a cracked mirror. In most […]